We are welcome for any co-host or participants to join and support this conference. The conference is a good platform to you not only for presenting your research paper but also build networking. thus i invite you to share this event to your friends or collegues. below is the poster and call of participants if you need.

Call for participants

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya present:

*(HYBRID) FEB-UB International Conference (FEBIC) *
 October  14-15,2022
Please submit your paper to :

Accepted article will be processed and PUBLISHED in International Proceeding and affiliated journals indexed by SCOPUS and some international journals (selected paper) after reviewing process.

Our affiliated journals indexed by Scopus, DOAJ, Copernicus,Crossref, Proquest, Ebsco,J-Gate, RePEc, Academic OneFile etc.
Further information please visit
Contact us :
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
More information contact:

General enquiry: Admin +62 899-9992-105

Co-host/ Partnership: Silvi (+62 82334713678)

 Project AIBPM FEBIC poster1200